Kitchen Klutz Tuesday
Did you know that June 13 is National Kitchen Klutz Day?
If you’ve been in the foodservice industry for some time, there are sure to be some unfortunate stories that come from the kitchen. Whether your ‘Klutz’ story involved an over measure of an ingredient, those ingredients spilling on the floor, or the slip of a utensil that resulted in a load of bandages, safety in the kitchen should always be a priority.
See below how the Innovative Foodservice Group can help you and your staff stay safe! & if you read even further, our marketing specialist, Hailey Carver, shares her unfortunate ‘Klutz’ moment in the kitchen.
Be prepared for those unexpected slips, and stay up to date with health inspection requirements, by having an on-hand First Aid Kit. OSHA Approved.
Keep your staff safe from the start.
When thinking of kitchen safety, also be aware of the safety of your product.
Avoid the First Aid Kit by using this safety tool.
The kitchen is HOT, stay free of burns with these oven mitts.
The kitchen is HOT, stay free of burns with these products.
In the mood for Coconut Creme Pie? Us too…
The big question is, do you have everything you need? Let us help.
Padela Convection Oven (Crisp up that crust!)